§ 265.01-b Criminal possession of a firearm.
A person is guilty of criminal possession of a firearm when he or she:
(1) possesses any firearm or;
(2) lawfully possesses a firearm prior to the effective date of the chapter of the laws of two thousand thirteen which added this section subject to the registration requirements of subdivision sixteen-a of section 400.00 of this chapter and knowingly fails to register such firearm pursuant to such subdivision.
Criminal possession of a firearm is a class E felony.
§ 265.01-b Criminal possession of a firearm penalties
- Up to 4 years in prison
- Permanent felony record
- Immigration / employment / travel problems
In New York City, if you've been arrested for having an illegal gun, you may be charged with criminal possession of a firearm which seeks to penalize possession of an unlicensed weapon even if it is not loaded. If the gun was found in a car, all of the occupants may be charged under the car presumption law in New York. If you or a loved-one was arrested for an illegal gun, contact us for a consultation. We've defended cases where our client was arrested at the airport, tourist attraction, or other security checkpoint with a weapon. We've also handled cases where the weapon was found in a car, seen dropped from our client's hand, found in our client's pocket or hand, home or other place.