Court date problems. Failing to appear on your court date can lead to a warrant being issued for your arrest. The "return date" listed on the face of your desk appearance ticket is your first court date. Of all the factors that determine the court date, your schedule is, unfortunately, not one of them. This means that you can only hope that the court date is on a day that you can take off. Problems arise when there is a serious scheduling conflict or if you don't live in or near New York City. The practical reality is that the court won't help you. This is due to the sheer volume of criminal cases and other factors. Court dates are scheduled by the court clerk, police, and District Attorney, and are rarely changed except when negotiated by the parties (your attorney and the prosecutor), or due to an emergency (such as a hurricane). Sometimes a court or police official may provide informal, off-the-record advice that you can change the court date on your own but this will probably fail and will lead to a warrant for your arrest.
Date falls on a "bad date"? If your court date is scheduled on a day or time that you have made other commitments, we may be able to get you excused. This will depend on the nature of your other commitment and the facts and circumstances of your case and your community ties and risk of flight. Lance Fletcher has appeared for numerous individuals who have been unable to appear in court due to work related commitments (meetings, business trips, interviews, etc.), personal commitments (vacations, trips, etc) , and other conflicts (medical, educational, etc) that made it nearly impossible to appear in court.
Don't live near New York City? We are often contacted by individuals who live outside the New York City area. Some are new clients who live in other parts of the state or elsewhere in the United States. Others are new clients who live in a foreign country. Depending on the facts and circumstances of your case, you may be required to personally appear in New York City Criminal Court several times over a period of several months. This can be extremely problematic if you live far away from New York City. To solve this problem, New York City Criminal Defense Attorney Lance Fletcher will fight to get you excused from ever appearing in court. Mr. Fletcher has successfully defended clients from other US states, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, France, Ireland, Germany, Russia, Korea, Italy, England, the Ukraine, Belarus, Greece, Turkey, Chile, and many other foreign countries.
Missed your desk appearance ticket court date? Failing to properly appear in court is very serious and can lead to arrest. If you are arrested outside of New York on a New York warrant, this can lead to a very long period of incarceration due to extradition issues. Even if New York doesn't extradite you, you may be held for weeks or longer until this decision is made. Contact us as soon as possible to discuss the facts and circumstances of your case and the reason for your unavailability. If your court date has already passed and you didn't properly appear in court, contact us to discuss steps to resolve the warrant.